Research and Publications

Welcome to the Directorate of Research and Publications at the East African University. You will notice that research is a core function of the East African University (TEAU) as stipulated in the University Act 2012 No. 42. as amended in 2016. Research and innovation activities at the university is a critical opportunity that allow faculty and students to participate in the discovery, transmission, preservation and enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellectual participation in the economic, social, cultural, scientific and technological development of Kenya and beyond. Currently, the university has a research policy has been developed to articulate research related issues and promote research and development at the University in line with the country’s Vision 2030 as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The policy provides a framework for ensuring effective and efficient use of research resources and foster an open and conducive environment for collaborative research. It provides clear guidelines for research and create an environment of fairness and accountability in the award and utilization of research grants, and in the storage and protection of research findings.


Objectives of the Research and Innovation Activities

The East African University (TEAU) supports research and innovation activities in both applied and basic research. The research priority areas are guided by contemporary and emerging issues and those that enhance the University’s vision and mission. The requirement for academic staff and students to undertake research is a career expectation and over time will be balanced as appropriate with the other obligations. Therefore, TEAU research and innovation activities are geared towards achievement of the following objectives:

  1. Develop a research and publication culture in the University.
  2. Expand research capacity of the University across all disciplines.
  3. Enable the commercialization of research and development outputs, for the benefit of the researcher, the University, and the wider community
  4. Provide framework to support and empower staff to manage, conduct, disseminate and research.
  5. Provide a framework to support and empower staff to manage, conduct and disseminate research.
  6. Enhance the profile of TEAU through quality publications, research citations and awards.
  7. Provide a structure and framework for continual improvement of research and development. Research and Development Policy, Innovation & research partnership and collaborations



Annual and Scientific conferences

You will also notice that TEAU has an elaborate Research and Publication Directorate that organize and conduct Annual Scientific Conferences. In the past three years, the Directorate has had very successful conferences organized and attracted participation of prominent university scholars from global, regional and national level as well senior government officers including Commission for University Education, National Commission for Science, Technology and innovation (NACOSTI) National Research Fund (NRF); ICPE, KIPPRA, IPAR among other research Institutions on Kenya. The spirit of international conferences of this nature is to promote and allow dissemination of research output from research scientists   focusing on strategic issues and link solutions to problems such poverty, health, environment, education, human rights, trade among others creating global debate and publicizing sustainability issues.

 TEAU Research Journal

TEAU has peer reviewed research online journal entitled Journal of humanities, Sciences and Management with an ISSN No. 2958-5643.The Journal is important and critical tool for publication of research and innovation output. Further, the journal in academic life goes beyond providing a means of communication and a permanent record. Journal articles are the final output of most research, and a researcher's performance and productivity are judged largely on the number of publications as well as where they appear.

The University encourages research scholars globally to submit research and innovation output for publication.

Research Collaborations and Partnership at university

Globally, university partnerships and collaborations have been identified as key pillars of the tripartite roles of universities namely; Academics, Research, and Civic Engagement. In Africa, there is intensified effort to strengthen university partnerships with the governments, industry and communities for greater impact to socio-economic development. The role of university partnerships is considered a vital driver of not only research and innovation but also capacity development as well as internationalization.

Internationalization has become one of the strategic pillars of transforming higher education in Africa. It offers distinctive opportunities to universities in sub-Saharan Africa to learn from their counterparts in the north. One of the seven aspirations of Agenda 2063 is to build Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential global player and partner. One of the unique opportunities that internationalization offers to Africa’s higher education is the strengthening research and innovation functions as well as the academic capacities of institutions. Recently, African universities have been accused of contributing only about 1.1% to the global scientific knowledge with just about 79 scientists in one million Africans compared to 4,500 scientists per one million people contributed by their counterparts in USA (Bokova, 2010).

With this type of trend, partnerships assume an important position in reinvigorating research in Africa. It therefore becomes necessary that Africa’s internationalization policies and strategies should, therefore, aim at strengthening collaborations so as to improve the research agenda in the universities

TEAU strategic Vision is to expand collaboration and partnership in the area of research and innovation activities. It is expected by the University that a successful collaboration and partnership can achieve high-impact findings and give you access to new funding sources and expertise. It can also be a great opportunity to think about the tools and outputs that can make your research more accessible to your peers and the public.

Capacity Building in Research activities in the university and beyond

Part of the objectives for the Directorate for Research and Publications at university is to organize and conduct capacity building and training activities in the area of research. Research capacity strengthening is the process by which individuals, institutions and societies develop abilities – individually and collectively – to perform research effectively, efficiently and in a sustainable manner. These trainings target Faculty, students’ and other participants from the region, national as well as the personnel of County Governments in Kenya.  The activities may also include mentorship and coaching programmes for junior researchers; establishing and maintaining minimum laboratory and library facilities as well as information.

Consultancy Activities at University

Other TEAU mandate provided in the Universities Act 2012. No. 42 as amended in 2016 is to conduct research and Consultancy activities. In order to achieve this objective, TEAU developed a policy framework for consultancy to guide these activities in the university and beyond. Research consultants conduct specialised and targeted research on behalf of a client and produce a final analysis of key findings. They are normally experts in a particular field, sometimes scientific, who can provide reports in areas the University's full-time staff cannot.


Prof. Siringi Elijah Mirwoba Ph.D.

The Directorate of Research and Publications

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