To become the referral centre in the provision of information and knowledge in the region and the world.
To support the educational objectives of the University through provision of resources both print and non-print and disseminating them to academic staff, researchers, students body and the surrounding community.
The University Library aims at achieving its mission of providing information resources in support of the teaching, research and community endeavours of the University by striving to achieve the following objectives:
- Selecting and acquiring up-to-date information resources in al formats that are relevant to the information needs of the university.
- Organising the collection using internationally acceptable standards to allow easy retrieval.
- Adopting information dissemination strategies - current awareness services and selective dissemination of information to ensure optimum exploitation of the resources of the Library.
- Building the information literacy and skills of its users continously by conducting proper user education and instruction through variety of methods in order to provide duidance to the library users.
- Recruiting, developing and retraining well qualified, experienced and dedicated professional Library staff in the area of Library and Information sciences who will offer high quality services to the users of the library.
- Adopting technologies that will make information resources accessible to the Library community in an efficient and effective manner.
- Formulating sound Library polocy that will act as a guide to achievements of the library's mission/vision.